Thursday, December 29, 2022


While the swinger's lifestyle isn’t for everyone, many committed swingers couples report having happier and more fulfilling relationships. In fact, many claim that swinging ’saved’ their relationship thanks to the numerous lessons to be learned by partner swapping experiences.
Here are six key lessons that swinging can bring to light.
1. Swinger Couples Have Honesty Requirements
Swinging calls for an abundance of trust between participants and lying is simply not tolerated. Couples find that they become more honest and open with their feelings and desires once they enter the lifestyle. As with a traditional marriage, getting caught in lies breaks trust while complete transparency can lead to a stronger relationship that’s healthy enough to thrive as swingers.
2. Communication Benefits of Swinging
Along with that honesty, you are likely to find yourself communicating better about all aspects of your life, even things not relating to your relationship. We all know that resolutions for arising issues can only be handled with open and honest communication between both parties, but despite that, there are sure to be plenty of sexual adventures to share along the way, too.
3. Prioritizing Partners Becomes Natural
The act of sharing your partner with others will certainly keep you mindful of your love and adoration for them. Never put your partner in second place, and if possible be sure and take the time to balance playtime, career and home by staying in touch with your ‘real world’ endeavors.
4. You’ll Learn to Be More Grateful
Not everyone has a partner willing to embrace the swinger's lifestyle, so it’s important to keep in mind their generosity and be appreciative of their playful side. Many couples actually claim to have fallen in love with each other all over again thanks to the perks that come with voyeurism, partner sharing or swapping. Be grateful you have these opportunities.
5. Keeping Up Your Appearance
Not all swingers are hotties, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to be mindful of your health and looks not only for yourself or to attract other couples, but to stay attractive for your primary partner. You’ll also find yourself more confident when you are proud of how you look and feel as opposed to letting yourself go.
6. Learning to Be More Giving
No matter what, each partner should have the opportunity to be a wee bit selfish while their partner spoils them from time to time. It is pivotal to always ensure that your spouse comes first, but you’ll also have to put your needs at the top of the list, too. Trying to give more than being the receiver is a powerful way to grow stronger in your commitment to each other.
Final Thoughts for Swinging Marriages
Even a vanilla marriage will have trials and tribulations, and success requires hard work. Keep in mind, that it takes a strong and secure couple to make swinging work, as it’s not a solution for a troubled marriage. Use the lifestyle to enhance what you already have going right in your relationship, and you’re sure to see significant emotional growth as a couple.

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