Thursday, June 8, 2023

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Can Actually Be a Sign of Burnout

You know that feeling after a long day when you're so exhausted, but you decide to lie in bed and scroll through social media for just a few minutes? Next thing you know, an hour has passed and it's now way later than you'd hoped, but you continue to scroll, despite knowing how tired you'll be the next day? Well, same! This phenomenon has a name: revenge bedtime procrastination.
The name sounds intense, but revenge bedtime procrastination is simply a phrase used to describe the endless cycle of staying up late and feeling super tired, only to do it over and over again in order to regain control over your time and schedule. Sound familiar?
If you are stuck in this vicious cycle and constantly feel like you're running on low-power mode, there's good news. Sleep procrastination is preventable and avoidable. Plus, there are better sleeping methods out there. Here's exactly what revenge bedtime procrastination entails, why we do it, and how to nix the behavior once and for all.
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Can Actually Be a Sign of Burnout - Here's What to Know

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