Friday, June 9, 2023

Dinosaur named “Iani smithi” lived during a time of major transition

Scientists have uncovered a newly discovered plant-eating dinosaur, Iani smithi, that appears to be a species' "last gasp." This dramatic event took place during a period when Earth's warming climate was forcing profound shifts in global dinosaur populations.
Unearthed from Utah's Cedar Mountain Formation, the majority of the juvenile dinosaur's skeleton - encompassing its skull, vertebrae, and limbs - was successfully retrieved. 
The specimen is named after Janus, the two-faced Roman god of change. It serves as a tribute to its place as an early ornithopod, a group of dinosaurs that would eventually pave the way for well-known duckbill dinosaurs like Parasaurolophus and Edmontosaurus.
Dinosaur named “Iani smithi” lived during a time of major transition

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The Drift

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