Friday, March 31, 2023

The Permian Basin Superorganism: An Urban Legend or True Story?

New York City's sewer alligators or Area 51's aliens, the Permian Basin superorganism in Odessa, Texas, is yet another story that sparks both fear and curiosity. Rumored to be have caused several people to go missing more than a decade ago, the Permian Basin superorganism — aka Mystery Flesh Pit National Park — remains a hot topic of discussion years after the fact.
So is the Permian Basin superorganism real? Or is it simply a myth?
The Permian Basin Superorganism: An Urban Legend or True Story?

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The Drift

Welcome to today's issue of Carolina Naturally 'Nuff Said! Today is June 21, 2023 Today is:   World Music Day On This Day In History...