Friday, March 31, 2023

Fabric discovered in Scottish Highlands bog may be the oldest traditional tartan ever

A piece of textile discovered 40 years ago in a Highland peat bog is likely to be the oldest tartan ever found in Scotland, according to new research. 
The scrap is believed to have been created in about the 16th Century, making it more than 400 years old.
Although it was found in the 1980s, The Scottish Tartans Authority (STA) this week authorized testing and analysis of the fabric, which is green, brown, and possibly red and yellow, to prove its age.
The scientists, who used dye analysis and radiocarbon testing, found that it likely was made in the 16th century around the time of MaryQueen of Scots's rule. 
Fabric discovered in Scottish Highlands bog may be the oldest traditional tartan ever 

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