Thursday, March 2, 2023

Economist Paul Krugman tears down wingnut arguments that Social Security and Medicare are doomed

When President Joe Biden gave his
 2023 State of the Union address on February 7, he aggressively vowed to protect Social Security and Medicare from wingnut efforts to "sunset" or undermine those programs. Biden made it clear that he was not talking about all wingnuts or all regressives, but he was definitely calling out the wingnuts who believe that Social Security and Medicare should be abolished or privatized.
Off the ledge lunatic fringe insane wingnut Rick Scott (w-Florida), for example, has proposed that Social Security and Medicare, instead of being renewed automatically, should be reevaluated by Congress every five years. After a five-year period, Scott has argued, Congress should be required to either refund the programs or terminate them. Even insane wingnut Moscow Mitch (w-Kentucky) has criticized Scott's proposal as a bad idea.
Economist Paul Krugman tears down wingnut arguments that Social Security and Medicare are doomed

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