Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Astonishing Scientific Theory That Says The Universe Might Be Inside A Black Hole

It's a notion not unfamiliar to sci-fi fans: within 
black holes entire universes await. If we were to somehow breach the event horizon of a black hole and survive the journey into its interior, tales say, we could access new and unimaginable realities, dimensions, and truths beyond the ken of our myopic ape senses. We might even come across Matthew McConaughey in a 4D library from 2014's "Interstellar." 
But because nothing except Hawking radiation escapes a black hole's gravitational stranglehold (per ThoughtCo.), there's a problem: the journeyer wouldn't be able to come back. A trip into a black hole would be a one-way trip that would rock the fundaments of human knowledge, but none of that knowledge could ever be communicated to anyone else. Or at least, this is what our own imaginations and fictions tell us. What do actual scientists and researchers say?
Believe it or not, some scientists and researchers say the exact same thing, as Big Think outlines. Or rather, they talk less about other universes and more about us. What if we — and our entire universe — are inside a black hole? What if the edge of the cosmos that we can never reach is actually the event horizon of a black hole we could never breach? It sounds fanciful, even ridiculous. And yet, it's not only plausible but solves a lot of problems with physics. The next question is: How could we ever escape our black hole prison and know for sure?
The Astonishing Scientific Theory That Says The Universe Might Be Inside A Black Hole

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