Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Scientists Unlock the Secret to How These Giant Rocks Make Their Way Across the Desert on Their Own

In late 2013, two cousins can be seen roaming across Racetrack Playa in California’s own Death Valley. They were out looking for rocks—but not just any rocks. These cousins—Richard and Jim—are scientists, and they are out hunting highly mobile rock specimens—highly mobile for stones, anyway.
Suddenly, Richard hears loud crackling—he turns to his cousin with a look of equal excitement and panic:” This is it!” he cries.
Scientists Unlock the Secret to How These Giant Rocks Make Their Way Across the Desert on Their Own

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The Drift

Welcome to today's issue of Carolina Naturally 'Nuff Said! Today is June 21, 2023 Today is:   World Music Day On This Day In History...