Sunday, February 5, 2023

'1-in-10-billion' star system is doomed to explode in a fiery kilonova

For the first time, scientists have discovered a double-star system that is doomed to explode in a fiery "kilonova," a precious-metal-creating blast caused by the merger of two stellar corpses. 
The kilonova — which will send gold, silver, platinum and other new heavy elements careening into space — won't happen for millions of years. But the precursor system that is set up for this massive merger is a rare sight nonetheless, consisting of one massive star and a dense, dead neutron star locked in a shared orbit. Astronomers estimate that there are fewer than 10 such systems in our galaxy. 
'1-in-10-billion' star system is doomed to explode in a fiery kilonova

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The Drift

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