Monday, January 30, 2023

Ground-Breaking DNA Sequencing Study Shows Vikings Weren’t Who We Believed Them to Be

We have all grown up watching several interpretations of Vikings in various forms of media, but there is one common thread that binds them – their ferocity. People saw them as bloodthirsty warriors whose main occupation was to pillage and plunder. 
They were mainly heavy-set, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed, with long blonde tresses billowing in the air. Our ears still ring with their battle cries and metals clanging for their fights ahead; they were intense, and we’ve pictured them that way for ages. Turns out, we were all, mostly wrong. In 2020, a DNA sequencing study debunked those theories. 
Ground-Breaking DNA Sequencing Study Shows Vikings Weren’t Who We Believed Them to Be

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