Monday, December 26, 2022

You Could Have Eaten Pizza While Watching Shows at the Roman Colosseum 2,000 Years Ago

Italian archaeologists
 recently discovered the remains of meals in the drainage system of the Colosseum, revealing that certain meats, vegetables, and fruits were the snacks of choice for ancient Romans.
Archaeologists also unearthed the bones of bears, lions, leopards, and dogs in the drainage system.
Continued study of the Colosseum helps broaden our understanding of the events in the world’s first major amphitheater-style stadium.
For as long as citizens have gathered in stadiums for entertainment, they’ve done so with food in hand. A new announcement from the Colosseum Archaeological Park in Rome unveiled the results of a year-long study of the drainage system under the Colosseum, including foods found at the site, bones of animals believed used in events, and coins dating back to 170 AD.

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