Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ways We Keep Our Married Sex Life Sizzling After 22 Years Together

Wendy tells us:
My husband and I have been married for 14 years and coupled for 22 (we were high school sweethearts).
Growing up, I had the notion that couples who were together for that long would eventually get bored of each other sexually, break up, cheat, or just stop having sex.
But despite what all the soap operas and trashy novels taught me, this hasn't been my experience at all.
Our sex life has had its ups and downs over the years, and certainly, the stress of balancing work and children has made things more complicated, but even in the face of that, we still have a great sex life.
There are a lot of reasons why our married sex life hasn't lost its spark.
Much of it is good fortune (I knew he was the one for me even at 15 years old, so I snatched him right up). But there are some things we do to keep things interesting and fulfilling.
Here are 7 ways we keep our married sex life sizzling.

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