Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Badass Backstories of 5 Incredibly Mundane Things

You might be familiar with the saying, “familiarity breeds contempt.” It’s most often used to talk about relationships, and the way that spending a ton of time with someone can exacerbate their worst traits. I think it can apply to much more than just romance, though. Almost anything, when we’re overly used to it, can start to lose the curiosity and wonder it deserves. Things that are pretty incredible can quickly become boring or even annoying. In our modern lives, there are so many small things we take for granted without ever wondering where they might have come from, what problems they might have solved or if they have some hidden insane history.
Along those lines, here are five mundane things that have a much more badass backstory than you might assume.
The Badass Backstories of 5 Incredibly Mundane Things

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