Saturday, December 31, 2022

‘Small Dick Energy’: Greta Thunberg's Epic Smackdown Of Andrew Tate

British social media influencer had his ass handed to him by the teenage climate activist.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg had a fiery response to controversial influencer Andrew Tate's attempt to boast about his carbon-dioxide-emitting cars.
Tate, a self-described “success coach” who has been criticized online for a brand that many people describe as misogynistic, tweeted an image of himself with a car Tuesday. He addressed Thunberg directly, tagging her and writing: “Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.”
Thunberg — who is known for her signature no-nonsense, blunt style of speaking — quipped back Wednesday. She wrote, "yes, please do enlighten me." She then shared a fake email address at which to reach her: ""
The stupid thing about this is that after her epic smackdown it'll be Tate that's gloating as he gets worldwide attention for being a knob.
‘Small Dick Energy’: Greta Thunberg's Epic Smackdown Of Andrew Tate

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