Thursday, December 29, 2022

How Long Sexless Marriages Last (And When To Walk Away)

How big a deal is sex in a relationship? For some people, the idea of a totally sexless marriage means misery and the end of your relationship.
But the truth is that these types of relationships do happen and there are couples who are happily abstinent with one another. So, when it comes to removing that kind of physical intimacy, just how long can a sexless marriage last?
How long do sexless marriages last? 
Because most states allow for no fault divorce, and because of the sensitivity of the topic, there is little hard data available on how long sexless marriages typically last or how many end in divorce.
For some, sexless unions can last a lifetime, but for others, it may be intolerable after two weeks.
How Long Sexless Marriages Last (And When To Walk Away)

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