Friday, December 2, 2022

Creature With Bigfoot Proportions Caught on Camera in Tennessee

Those arms are inhumanely long.
This bigfoot looks like every other blurry indistinct dark shape walking between the trees until it reaches out with an inhumanly long arm. The full profile of the creature is then revealed to have ape-like limb proportions as it strides in obstructed view with swinging arms. This clearly rules out “bear” as a potential explanation for what this mysterious creature is, wandering the woods of Tennessee. 
Click here to watch the video.
Many people are citing this video as credible evidence of a genuine sasquatch as there are no reports of escaped apes from any nearby zoos. These bigfoots of the southern United States are often locally referred to as “skunk apes” for their more monkey-like proportions and terrible stench. 
Some enthusiasts believe leaving food out in areas such as these where there have been sightings and credible footage of the cryptid creature can lead to befriending your local bigfoot and perhaps more sightings with better camera footage. The diet of these creatures is just as hotly debated as their existence, with some believing it to be vegetarian like the great apes but others arguing they must be accomplished hunters to support a population in regions that have many sightings but little vegetation. That would indicate a diet more consistent with the wide variation humans are able to eat. 
If you want to spot one of these legendary creatures for yourself, perhaps try leaving a plate of dinner outside and see if one shows up. 


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