Friday, December 30, 2022

100 Facts We Learned in 2022

If you've got some free time between holidays, you might want to read, or at least skim through, a list of some things we learned in 2022 on a wide-ranging number of subjects, like animals, artificial intelligence, art, archaeology (wait, is this list in alphabetical order?), music, space, celebrities, health (I guess not), pets, chemistry, food, history, and more. You need to know about how a new Guinness World record was set for a mass gathering of vampires, how monkeys use tools for masturbation, and how a poll to name a Uranus probe didn't result in "Uranus Probe."  

Mental Floss has put together a mega-list recapping the tidbits of knowledge that crawled across the internet in 2022. You can listen to it the Mental Floss List Show video, but it's 52 minutes long. Lucky for us, they also give us the text version, so you can skip the stuff you already know, if that's what you prefer.   

100 Facts We Learned in 2022

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