Friday, November 25, 2022

Editorial Comment

Just a quick note about yesterday ...
We drove by one of the local "Wally World's" on the way to lunch and every parking space was full and even more cars were circling the massive parking lot looking for an empty spot that wasn't there - as we continued on to our destination, we laughed hysterically at all the suckers foolish enough to fall for the hype and then wonder why the 'deals' weren't deals after all.
Today is another story but it involves the same group of naive crowds and the local intrastate college football 'rivalry' - both schools are a joke, but that is yet another story - and the way they make the rest of us suffer for their stupidity. At this point maybe the 'Black Friday' binge spenders where to better of the two disasters ...
We do want to give a shout out to our readers around the world thanks for stopping by to read Carolina Naturally.

Remember to have fun and enjoy life.

Editorial Staff

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