Tuesday, November 29, 2022

15 Of The Coolest, Oddest, And Most Terrifying Things Being Unearthed By Global Warming

Is the world 
ending? Maybe, if you look at some of these spooky facts. For example, did you know that Lake Mead has been slowly drying up since 1937, and recent years have seen it reach its lowest water levels ever? This means that human skeletal remains are now visible in and around the area. If that's not enough to send a chill down your spine, how about this: thanks to the severe drought sweeping across America's Midwest, the water level in the Mississippi River has dropped so low that people can now walk to Tower Rock—an island typically only accessible by boat. And as if all of that wasn't enough evidence of an impending apocalypse, climate change is also causing the geographic North Pole to migrate eastwards towards continental Europe at an annual rate of 10 centimeters (4 inches). So maybe we kind of really should all start stocking up on supplies and building bunkers.

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The Drift

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