Tuesday, October 18, 2022

These Are the Lies People Tell in Their Sex Lives

Most sexual lies are told with good intent, but not all of them.

  • People lie in most social contexts. 
  • People lie when there is an incentive to do so. 
  • Most people lie in the sex lives, but men and women lie about different things. An honest approach to one's sex life offers the best prospect for a satisfying relationship. 
People Lie in Most Contexts 
People tend to use dishonesty to get what they want, to avoid embarrassment, to avoid difficult social interactions, or to spare another person’s feelings. Dishonesty is pervasive, occurring in all social contexts. I was curious if people’s sex lives are social contexts in which they deceive. I recently carried out a study in which I asked hundreds of sexually active people if they had ever lied in the context of their sex lives. Not surprisingly, it turned out that almost all of them had been dishonest.

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