Friday, October 14, 2022

Ten Dangerous Things You Can Successfully Run Away From

There aren't many disasters or predators we can escape from on foot, but here are a few to note.
The world is so full of dangers we can’t outrun—tornados, bears, bullets—that you might be asking, “Why did I buy these expensive running shoes anyway?” But don’t lose hope: Running away isn’t the answer in most dangerous situations, but there are a few things we can successfully flee on foot.
#3 Every animal on earth 
This is not useful in any survival situation I can think of, but people are the fastest land animals on earth, faster than horses, cheetahs, and bears, as long as the distance is long enough. People can run for hours and hours nonstop, where other animals have to take breathers more frequently. So as long as your animal foe is interested in a fair athletic completion instead of chasing you down to maul and eat you, you got this. 

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