Thursday, October 13, 2022

Foreplay Positions That Are Fun Enough to Be the Main Event

Lindsay writes:
When we’re talking sex positions, we tend to focus solely on the main event: where to do it, how to do it and how to transition from one part of doing it to another part of doing it. Mostly absent from this discussion is any mention of foreplay positions — the very stuff that gets us doing it in the first place. This oversight is negligent at best, criminal at worst. Because after all, one can’t have a middle and end without first having a beginning. And really, one can’t reasonably expect to reach a rewarding conclusion without putting in at least a little work on the front-end. 
The beauty of the foreplay position is its inherent versatility. You can start with it, finish with it, or throw it in somewhere in the middle—and it won’t ever feel out of place. Foreplay needs no introduction (that’s its entire raison d’être), but it’s not strictly introductory, either. While every foreplay position can serve as an opening act, many can pinch-hit as sideshows and main events, too. It’s entirely possible to craft a well-rounded sexual repertoire using only foreplay positions. Try crafting one without using any at all, though, and you’ll likely feel the absence.
Of course, some might make the argument that foreplay positions go so oft-overlooked because there simply aren’t that many of them. There are only a handful of ways to do foreplay—and all of them are pretty self-explanatory. Sure, but the same could be said about sex itself. The whole thing is pretty straightforward, but that doesn’t keep us from inventing slightly new ways to do it or discussing its many intricacies. If we’re willing to dedicate so much time and energy to getting it on, surely we should be able to give foreplay its due. Without it, everything feels a little bit lackluster. But with it, that same set of actions can feel absolutely inspired.

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